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CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIOM – Roma, 15 dicembre 2023

20 miliardi di euro l’anno: i costi per il cancro in Italia – Prevenzione attiva, la vera arma vincente

The introduction of refined sugar in the diet in the last century is believed to have contributed to the increase of some diseases such as cancer. The excessive consumption of refined sugar leads to an overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the mitochondria, causing oxidative stress and damaging mitochondrial proteins, lipids, and DNA, thus impairing their function and leading to their toxicity. Furthermore, the consumption of refined sugar leads to blood glucose level spikes, which cause imbalances in energy metabolism and impair mitochondrial function. This triggers inflammation and damage to various cell structures, while also possibly causing non-enzymatic glycation of mitochondrial proteins and mitochondrial DNA damage, which can potentially lead to mitochondrial toxicity. This is the reason why mitochondrial toxicity can be considered a cancer driver condition that BIOSCIENCE GENOMICS intends to investigate in healthy people.

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